Monday, November 23, 2009
Thanksgiving approaches!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
PAX 2009 - A weekend away
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Falmouth, Cape Cod Weekend
Thursday, July 30, 2009
- Still bathes in the kitchen sink, but is eating real food now even if fully pureed.
- Enjoys naps in his car sets and doesn't mind the stiff breeze from the Jeep with the doors off -- though I do wonder if baby-seats were really designed for Jeeps!?
- Loves to be upside down and spun around, too!
Gus gets distracted by magazines
He would spread them out all over and flip through the smaller, kid-sized (or probably purse-sized) ones as if he wanted to read or order something. Maybe he'll convince mommy and daddy to buy something nice for themselves? He's such a cutie.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Family visit to Aaron and Stacey + Nephew GUS in Raleigh
We saddle up to the ice cream bar |
Sunny and the weeping redwood
Monday, May 11, 2009
Housing project complete: wall speakers!
- $50 Muro Concept 6 Indoor-Outdoor speakers from
- $6 two-speaker wall plate from
- $0 speaker wire (~20') culled from every guy's Big Box o' Cables
- Top layer: tag board
- Next layer: sheetrock
- Third layer: lathed plaster
- Fourth layer (on one side): plywood
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Apologies for the delay...
We have no excuse for not updating this blog more often. We have not disappeared from the face of the earth. In February, Sunny went to Savannah while Matthew stayed home to infuse vodkas, but a lot of other things have been happening, too.
It's been a busy spring season with Matthew's finishing his last class for his Master's degree and Sunny's starting of her personal training business. March feels like a blur and frenzy of activity, and now it's almost Easter. Where has the month gone?
If you click over to the Flickr photos, you can see some our other recent distractions and enjoyments. To name a few recent Flickr sets:
- 3/5 "date night" to celebrate our new Domestic Partnership status
- 3/6-3/7 Sunny's Mt. Cardigan snowshoe/hut stay/X-C ski trip
- 3/17-3/22 Matt visits his dad, Moses, in Arizona for family time with Sunny, Dinah, and the kids -- they even had llamas for us to see at the zoo and waterfalls to hike.
- 4/3 - Matthew's birthday had to be celebrated with friends coming over
- 4/4-4/11 Matt visit's his brother Amos in Park City, Utah, with Sunny, Mom, dad, and Nate all joining in for some killer scrabble games and spring skiing
Happy Easter all...Love, -Sunessa
Sunday, February 8, 2009
A weekend of infused vodkas (and the recipes thereof)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
More January time to ski!
Both Terry and Matthew worked remotely today, but I couldn't teach a group training class from my living room, so I skied down Mass Ave to the gym. I was easy-going about my pace and got there in about 15 minutes. Naturally, no one showed up for the group training, so I did a little computer work for next month's classes/groups and then skied home. This time in the sleet! Yucky, but slippery and still good conditions for skiing.
On both the "aller et retour" I enjoyed the ski wear given to me by Matthew's Mom, Judy, who somehow knew that the blue-greens would match my skis and my eyes! Is she psychic or what?
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Taking on the Ben and Jerry's "Vermonster"
The picture shows me contributing my stomach to the task. It took about 40 minutes to reach the final step, a cup of syrupy soup. Fortunately, the birthday boy knocked it back without a second thought, saving us the less-than-appetizing task. The store keeper took our picture for the wall of those who'd consumed the whole thing, which always took a handful of folks, and sometimes several. (One amusing photo does show a team that failed, sad faces on display.)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Tales from the Bread Machine: Hearty Flaxseed
Anyway, this bread resembles a flaxseed loaf we did in the past, but allows for raisins as a mid-point addition. (Bread machines with "fruit & nut" cycle allow you to mix in more stuff just before baking.) I kept waiting for it to beep and alert me to the "add stuff now" moment. Turns out you put the fruit in a side compartment and it does the work automatically. Oh well, next time.
We used the FRUIT & NUT setting with MEDIUM crust.
Look: Bubbly top that looks a little underdone, but inside definitely baked
Cut: Crispy crust, dense interior
Taste: Not as flavorful as expected, probably from lack of raisins (the recipe says to adds cinnamon when you leave out fruit, which we did accidentally)
Friday, January 2, 2009 from Boston, it's New Year's Eve!
Once there, Patti made hot chocolate (Gharadelli's with Hood whipped cream, yum!) and Matthew made a few good/evil cocktails. We played boggle (woohoo?) and then watched Dick Clark and Ryan Seacrest do the "Live from New York's Times Square" thing on the TV. Boo hoo to NBC because Mr. Clark is so old now and Mr. Seacrest seems to be already washed up, too.
At least we had champagne to drink, which I popped and poured just seconds before the Final Countdown (and check out Freezepop's cover of the pop masterpiece). Anyway, Cheers!