Friday, March 14, 2008

Lately we've been...

Too busy to post notes to this blog, or so it seems. You may notice some recent photo updates in the flickr sidebar, but we haven't written anything about them. I won't make excuses; we have been busy and yet not too busy to post. In recent weeks we have been to:
  1. One BU women's hockey game (they won!)
  2. Church gatherings for brunch with our young adult friends, executive council meetings, various committee meetings, an all day leadership retreat (Sunessa took photos which will probably go on the First Church Cambridge UCC website fairly soon), and our own game night which ended up with guests in our loft space
  3. And then of course there's work...and more work

But really, our number one diversions of late are and RockBand on Xbox. It seems that Facebook is no longer simply the crazy domain of 20-somethings that MySpace became. Now it's a popular networking website among our peers, and we have some pretty interesting peers! We play scrabulous (scrabble+fabulousness) with friends from near and far. We exchange comments on what our friends from high school have said about their recent trip to the grocery store. It's just so, you know, reconnect easily and quickly with people you are (or at least once were) very fond of is a real treat in this rather disconnected world. For example,

Here are some of Sunessa's friends on Facebook...

Liza Ryan WozniakLiza Ryan WozniakJessica GrassJessica GrassChristine ClaypooleChristine ClaypooleElizabeth WagnerElizabeth WagnerEric DeWittEric DeWitt

But enough about Facebook, our real, dirty little secret is that we are both pretty obsessed with RockBand. What is RockBand? Well, living room karaoke + drums + clicking plastic guitars + excellent animated characters that are "you" on your band's own "world tour" = RockBand, the game. It's a riot, seriously. I can't stop drumming to old Bon Jovi and new Freezepop tunes without wanting to perfect my score and get new gigs. Ever since Matthew bought it, we've spent at least an hour each night (three or more or weekends!) rockin' out together. He's mastering song on the Hard guitar level while I'm most comfortable on the Medium level drums. Seriously, it's teaching me valuable life how to drum drum drum until I want to run off and open that nightclub in Stockholm. Matthew really wants us to break through to that level, and with his mad guitar skillz, we just might get there

Should we keep our day jobs? Wait and see...

1 comment:

Justus said...

Those "guests" in your loft space look more like prisoners trying to blink morse coded messages to the outside world.