Saturday, February 16, 2008

Wintertime geocaches

Sunny and I headed for natural surroundings today after a week of rain and varying temperatures played havoc with our attempts to get out and around. The blue skies meant easy times for geocaching and we picked out a likely suspect in the nearby Middlesex Fells, a large natural area north of Boston.

Friday's chilly weather preserved a snow cover and iced over most of the ponds. Much of the path featured frozen patches, some thin enough to see the water slowly circulating underneath.

It took an hour or so to reach the geocache site and poke around. It featured great views of the adjacent towns, as does about any hill in Boston. We watched the moon move across the afternoon sky and eventually found the cache, a Rubbermaid container secured under the edge of a boulder. (As with most places called "fells," rocks are plentiful.) After failing to find one in our neighborhood this morning, it was nice to succeed on a larger scale.

Sunny attended a social event hosted by the magazine Science tonight, while Matthew organized the new closet setup and watched Saturday Night at the Fights between our kitties. (They scrap a lot, with no actual harm to report.) foretells similar weather tomorrow, so perhaps another geocache will turn up...

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