Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A minor anti-Christmas experience

Last night, we saw Charlie Wilson's War, a decent new film starring Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts. (I'll try to review that soon.) On the walk home, we ran afoul of a domestic dispute that had spilled out onto the street. After some serious shouting, we got tangled up in it and I got whacked on the neck.

Ultimately, we disentangled and the (loud and abusive) guy went home a few doors away. Police cars soon arrived and took over the situation. Turns out the guy was wanted for robbery and something else, which probably meant a night in jail and an upcoming date with a judge.

We learned a few things about loud encounters. A key one will be getting police involved as soon as practical. (In this case, that meant an emergency call box a half-block away.) Somewhere around getting punched, I don't remember anything for a minute or so. Best I can tell, I was close enough to hit, so the guy did so. That took me back to a security training class reminder--if someone is less than 15 feet from you, then can almost certainly get to you. It's best to stay alert and at significant distance.

Short story, Christmas isn't exempt from the same trouble as any other day!

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