Here is my nephew, Gus, age 12 months.
At 1 year old he can sit, squeal, give people "the stink eye" and make friends with other babies and toddlers at restaurants. He's a pretty social little guy.
Some great baby-like things that I love about him are:
- Still bathes in the kitchen sink, but is eating real food now even if fully pureed.
- Enjoys naps in his car sets and doesn't mind the stiff breeze from the Jeep with the doors off -- though I do wonder if baby-seats were really designed for Jeeps!?
- Loves to be upside down and spun around, too!
He's my kind of nephew. Check him out...
I think he'll be a wedding singer someday.
Now for the videos -- prepare yourself for the Cute!
Isn't it cute how he rearranges the magazines and catalogs;
so here's my attempt at 12 seconds of maximal Gus cuteness.